Vize-Final Soruları
Ege Üniversitesi İİBF Argun Başkan Vize Final Soruları

Argun Baskan
As I see some academic and procedural confusion among students, I decided to make a regular final exam on 20 January 2014 as it is officially announced.
Updated grading will be: Book report 80points + Actual final exam 20points = Overall final exam grading 100points.
There will be 2 questions in the final exam (2x10points=20points).
Question 1: Formulate a plausible question and reply it in a “5-paragraph-essay” format. (10points)
Question 2: Explain the major driving forces which create the interaction among energy, food and natural resources in a “5-paragraph-essay” format.(10points)
Time: 70 minutes