Vize-Final Soruları
Ege Üniversitesi İİBF Sinem Hoca – Organizations Final Soruları

1-Regional integration has various forms by thinking different forms of religionalism please explain.Why do states decide to persue regional integration?(30 PUAN)
2- a-The WTO is critised for beening a ‘reachmen club’ but we see new challenges in the global trade gowerners especially during the DOHA summit dinamics in the organisation
have changed.Please explain new dinamics and new balance of power in the WTO (35 PUAN)
b-Bu thinking assian regionalism and assian+three relation please evaluate current siuation and future challenge for assian (35 PUAN)
3-IMF değişen yapısı
Shangai’da Rusya ve Çin’in birbiriyle olan işbirliği ve çekişmesi (30 PUAN)