Hacettepe Üniversitesi Siyaset Bilimi Final Soruları

Hacettepe Üniversitesi Siyaset Bilimi Final Soruları
( 1 mark per answer)
1-) According to Marx, as a central tenant of the infra-structure, democracy should be seen as a critical element of the class conflict.
2-) Aristotle mentions that democracy is the most appropriate form of governance.
3-) Plato is best known with the conceptualization of the man as naturally a “political animal”
4-) Karl Marx” analysis of the human condition is oriented on the utilitarian idea of fulfilling “the greatest happiness for the greatest number.
5-) One of the critical assets of the New Right could be defined though the emphasis on the minimal state.
6-) Multiculturalism might be defined as a normative proposition on cultural diversity and a crique of the liberal principle of toleration.
7-) Ethno-symbolist approach defines nations as historically embedded entities rooted in a common cultural heritage and language that may long predate the achievement of statehood.
8-) Liberal states extinguish civil society and abolish the “private” sphere of life altogether.
9-) Within the republican perspective, the state is seen as a mechanism through which class conflict is ameliorated to ensure the survival of capitalism.
10-) Theorists such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau and John Mill portrayed political participation as a good in itself.
11-) For libertarians state intervention is necessary to boost competition, efficiency and productivity for the flourishing of individual liberty.
12-) According to conservatism, authority and social relationships should always be based on consent or willing agreement.
13-) David Easton’s behavioral approach has contributed to the comprehensive and systemic analysis of the political phenomenon.
14-) According to Hegel, the state firstly denotes an “ethical community”
15-) Fraternite (Gadaşım) is one of the constructing elements of the most known motto of the French Revolution in line with the terms liverte an agelite.
16-) As the most accepted political system of modern times, direct democracy is based on the very idea of representation.
17-) Descriptive political analysis acquired its philosophical underpinning from the doctrine of empiricism.
18-) Locke advocated a system of limited government to provide protection for natural rights, notably the rights to life, liberty and property.
19-) “The end of ideology” is introduced bt Francis Fukuyama in order to suggest that political ideology had vecome irrelevant.
20-) The Frankurt School has extended the notion of critique to all social practices drawing on a wide range of influences.
(3 marks per answer)
21-) According to which of the following thinkers the state should first be defined as an apparatus of the “common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie”?
a) Burke b) Hegel c) Marx d) Kant e) Rousseau
22-) Which of the following thinkers is generally been considered as the founding father of political science due to his realist analysis of political facts.
a) Hume b) Machiavelli c) Plato d) Locke e) Hamilton
23-) Which of the following analysts could not be regarded within the framework of elitist view on politics and democracy?
a) Schumpeter b) Michels c) Kymlicka d) Pareto e) Mills
24-) Which of the following scientists is being considered as the founding figure of nationalism theories as a separate discipline?
a) Gellner b) Smith c) Hobsbawn d) Kohn e) Anderson
25-) Which of the following concepts could not be regarded as a constructing theme of supha-structure for Marx?
a) State b) Citizenship c) Culture d) Religion e) Economy
26-) Democracy always contains the threat that individual liberty and minority rights may be crushed in the name of the people, which is explained by Alexis de Tocqueville as ………….
27-) According to the classical liberal reading of the state, the state had arisen out of as social contract, made by individuals who recognized that only the establishment of as sovereign power could safeguard them from the insecurity, disorder and brutality of…………………
28-) According to ……….. if nations exist, they exist as imagined artifices, constructed though education, the mass media and a process of political socialization.
29-) According to …………… ideological domination is maintained by hegemony, which denotes intellectual or cultural control of bourgeoisie, through which the state plays a critical role.
30-) Instead of favoring equality of outcome; the principle of …………. Gives all individuals an equal chance to realize their unequal potential.
31-) Calr Schmitt’s definition of the political is based on the …….. between enemy vs. friends.
32-) Rousseaun believed the …… is “true” will of each citizen, in contrast to his or her selfish will.
33-) According to Hobbes, stability and order could only be secured through the establishment of an absolute and unlimited……….
34-) As a critical component of the Marxist reading of production……….. is defined as the process whereby labour is reduced to being a mere commodity, and work becomes a depersonalized activity.
35-) Etymologically derived from the Roman term res publica, ……………. Has generally been regarded as both an ideology and as a theory of citizenship insisting on not only universal rights but also civic responsibilities.
36-) Please shortly discuss the following phrase: “power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”.
37-) Please shortly discuss the following phrase “the personal/private is political”
38-) Please shortly discuss the following phrase” the science of politics is itself a contradiction”
39-) Drawing upon course lectures, please interpret the following time-frames: 1700s-1930s-1970s.
40-) Please shortly define the idea of impartiality. In your aswers please also draw upon the debates on recognition.
(15 marks per answer)
41-) Drawing upon course lectures, please interpret the following text of Calude Lefort: “As soon as we begin to ask ourselves about human rights, we find ourselbes drawn into a labyrinth of questions. We must first ask ourselbes if we can in fact accept the formula without making reference to a human nature. Or, if we reject the notion of human nature, without surrendering to a teleological vision of history”
42-) Drawing upon course lectures, please interpret the following text of Alain Badiou: The state, the state of things, is; it’s what claims to have the monopoly of possibilities. It’s not simply what governs the real. It’s what pronounces that which is possible and impossible.”
43-) Drawing upon course lectures please interpret the following words of Karl Marx: “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles”