Vize-Final Soruları

Hacettepe Üniversitesi Political Science-2 Final Soruları 2013

Hacettepe Üniversitesi Political Science-2 Final Soruları 2013

KAY 114


…neutrality is always possible, but no, it is impossible, unless it be the end of the political. And the enemy (‘O enemies, there is no enemy!’). And therebey, the end of the friend (‘ O my friends, there is no friend!’). The very concept of neutrality, as we shall see, is swept away by its own possiblity; it contradcts itself and s destroyed in itself. There is a neutrality of the neutral, but it cannot be found poltically. Jacques Derrida


Following the very ideo of the text provided please answer at least two of the following questions.

1- Interpret the Notion of enemy vs. friend by reference to the Schimittean concept of the political. In your answer, please manly focus on the postmodern question of whether t is possible to magine a form of politics without enemy.

2- Mainly discuss the republican and liberal notions of neutrality/impertiality regarding the definition of the political. In your answer please include the debates on the idea of civic public and focus on the concepts of citizenship, rights, responsibilities and transcendence.

3- By following the contemporary debates in Turkish politics, please interpret the (re)presentational facets of political resistance at Gezi Parkı. Please also refer to the concepts ‘democratic paradox’ and ‘hegemonic articulation” in your answer.


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