Vize-Final Soruları

Ege Üniversitesi Avrupa Birliği Vize Soruları

Ege Üniversitesi Avrupa Birliği Vize Soruları 

1- What is the mean of “systematic enlargement” ?
2- What is the “pon-turope movement” ?
3- Who is the “De Goulle” ?
4- EEC’nin başardığı şeyler nelerdir?
5- Structure and function at council of turope?
6- What include citizenship of the union ……. ?
7- Amsterdam treaty, main negatiotions, outcomes ….

ikinci öğretim soruları

1- EU institutions?
2- What is the SEA?
3- Zolivereign explain
4- Who is Austria briand? (pakt)
5- Which rights europe people won in moosstricht….
6- Amsterdam treaty, main issues, outcomes date?


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